Buy a Computer Online: Save Gas, Time, Energy and Money

When you buy a computer, did you know that you can really save time, energy, gas and money if you shop for it online? Let’s see how. The Internet is the first place you should go to find out prices and ratings for the various types and brands of computers.

It is a great place to compare prices, especially if you go to one of the online malls with several electronics and office supply retailers. A huge advantage to shopping a that type portal is that at some online malls you can input the word “computers” and it will show you all the stores in that “mall” that sell computers. You can then shop from that one central location. There are a few malls that will even give you cash back for shopping on their site! How is that for saving time, energy, gas and energy?

Another advantage is that a number of computer stores are found only on the Internet. They have found that they can offer lower prices if they don’t have the overhead of a brick and mortar store. Still other computer stores offer the choice of shopping online and then picking up the computer at a local branch of that store. Those same stores often offer “online” specials that are not available if you shop in their physical locations, but they will still allow you to pick it up there.

One thing I really like about shopping online is that most of the dealers have “feedback” areas where people write reviews, including pros and cons and afterthoughts about the products. Recently our 7 year-old laptop was “fried” beyond the point of being practical to have it repaired.

By checking out several different stores in one “mall,” we were able to discover an excellent value. Because we read the reviews on a laptop that we would normally have ruled out, we found that it would indeed be the perfect replacement and do everything we wanted from it and then some! And, it was on special with free shipping and a cooling fan thrown in for free! We ordered it on Thursday night at midnight, and arrived Monday noon. The next week, when I returned to the site to give my feedback, that same laptop, still priced considerably under their competition, was $50 more, and without free shipping.

Some online retailers will provide you with recommendations. For example, if you are unsure of what processor, memory, and other features are right for you, all you need to do is answer a few questions and they will recommend several machines that will do the job. You can then compare them side-by-side, read reviews, and decide which one is right for you.

When all is said and done, buying a computer online is one of the smartest ways you can save gas, time, energy, and money.

Judy Jacobs and her husband Don are well-known, world-class “Frugal” bargain hunters.(Can you say “Cheap?”). They have discovered many ways to save time, energy and money by shopping online. In fact, just about the only thing they shop offline for now are groceries and gasoline.

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